The Actions

The main actions of the project are grouped here thematically:

Actions aiming to reduce the threat for LWfG from hunting and poaching

A3. Assessing the  impact of hunting

A2. Mapping critical habitats in Greece

A4. Patrolling Plans

C1. Smart Patrolling System in Greece

C2. Patrolling in Bulgaria

D1. Campaign against illegal hunting

D2. Training seminars

Habitat management actions

A5. Analysis of the diet of LWfG

A6. Habitat Management Plan

C3. Habitat management in Evros Delta, Greece

C4. Habitat restoration in Hortobágy National Park, Hungary

Preparation of National Action Plans for LWfG in Greece, Bulgaria and Hungary

A7. National Action Plans facilitation

A8. National Action Plans in Greece, Bulgaria and Hungary

E3. Strengthen network of LWfG experts

Public awareness

D3. International webpage

D4. Communication materials

D5. Educational programme

D6. Project dissemination

D7. Campaign to reduce disturbance in Finland

Monitoring of the LWfG population and the effect of the project actions

A1. Co-ordinated counts

E2 Monitoring