Webinar January 28: Energy efficiency and green recovery

Improving energy efficiency in buildings is crucial in climate change mitigation. At the same time, there is a great need for a sustainable economic recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic. Fortunately, not only do energy efficiency solutions reduce emissions – but they are also profitable investments.

The LIFE EconomisE project, coordinated by WWF Finland and implemented in partnership with The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and SYKLI Environmental School of Finland, is coming to an end. To celebrate, we are organizing a free webinar on Thursday 28 January, at 13–14.30 (EET) to talk about the role of real estate in a sustainable, resilient economic recovery.

The first three presentations will be in English. You will have chance to learn about energy efficiency as a part of the much-needed energy transition, as well as its role in reaching science-based emission reductions.


13.05 Energy efficiency as a part of the energy transition
Jussi Nikula, WWF Finland

13.15 Moving to a low-carbon and climate resilient future: why buildings matter?
Mariangiola Fabbri, Buildings Performance Institute Europe

13.30 Commenting speech
Vesa Syrjäläinen, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company

13.40 Q&A

13.45 EU funding for sustainable economic recovery (in Finnish)
Jyri Seppälä, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)

14.00 How to assess the profitability of energy efficiency investments (in Finnish)
Ari Laitala, SYKLI Environmental School of Finland

14.15 Commenting speech (in Finnish)
Vesa Peltola, Association of Finnish Municipalities (Kuntaliitto)

14.25 Q&A (in Finnish)


The webinar is funded by the LIFE programme of the EU.