Welcome to WWF webinar on EU Deforestation Regulation
EU Deforestation Regulation entered into force in June 2023. What does this mean to Finnish companies and how is EUDR implemented in Finland? How do we ensure that the new regulation will truly halt deforestation? These and other questions will be discussed in our webinar EUDR is here – How to make EU deforestation regulation work for companies, tropical forests and smallholders? on the 6th of March 2024 14:00–16:00. Sign up on this page!
Tropical deforestation and degradation are still huge problems. Loss of valuable forest ecosystems causes severe damage to biodiversity, people’s livelihoods and homes as well as freshwater stability and circulation. It also worsens the climate crisis.
Forests especially in the tropics are cleared for agricultural purposes; cultivation of crops such as soy, palm oil, coffee, cocoa and rubber. Furthermore, vast areas of forests are cut down to make space for cattle to produce meat. Also, fast growing plantations to produce pulp have taken over natural forests.
All of these products are shipped to Europe and to Finland to be consumed in various forms. Goods such as chocolate, coffee, car tires, cosmetics, meat, eggs, dairy, paper and furniture can all have a links to deforestation.
In June 2023, the new EU Regulation on deforestation-free products, known as the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), entered into force. The regulation is intended to tackle global deforestation and forest degradation driven by EU consumption and sets mandatory due diligence requirements for companies placing specific commodities or products on the EU market or export them from the EU. The regulation applies to soy, cattle, palm oil, wood, cocoa, coffee and rubber and some products derived from these, such as leather.
However, the regulation can only tackle global deforestation if implemented properly.
Sign up for the webinar
In the webinar we provide you the latest updates regarding the EUDR from EU level and explained by the respective authorities in Finland. Also, you are invited to hear views from the producing country perspective explaining why there is an urgent need to have this regulation in place. Lastly companies already preparing for the regulation will give their views on the journey towards ambitious EUDR.
The webinar is held in English.
Place and time: Wednesday 6.3.2024 14:00–16:00 on Zoom (registration link to be sent)
14:00–14:05 Welcome and goal of the webinar. Maija Kaukonen, International Forest Expert, WWF Finland.
14:05–14:15 Status of tropical deforestation, the main drivers behind it and how are Finnish companies linked to this. Maija Kaukonen, International Forest Expert, WWF Finland.
14:15–14:30 EUDR; what is the status of the regulation and what is happening on EU level. Anke Schulmeister-Oldenhove, Senior Forest Policy Officer, WWF European Policy Office.
14:30–14:45 EUDR status in Finland – steps towards implementation. Viktor Harvio, senior specialist at Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (tbc).
14:45–15:00 Questions and discussion.
Examples from companies towards EUDR compliance
15:00 –15:15 EUDR is all about the ‘First Mile’ where Forest fall and Rights are violated. Data Quality is key to reduce legal and reputational risks. Lessons from Indonesia. Michael Stuewe, WWF USA.
15:15–15:30 How is Paulig moving towards complying with EUDR in coffee supply chains. Salla Sulasuo, Head of sustainable transformation at Paulig.
15:30–15:45 EUDR’s implications on cacao sourcing and value chains – views from Fazer. Kaisa Mattson, Director, Sustainability and Quality at Fazer Group Procurement.
15:45–16:00 Questions and discussion.
16:00 Webinar ends.
More information:
Maija Kaukonen, International Forest Expert, WWF Finland, maija.kaukonen@wwf.fi

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