According to the Finnish Climate Panel (2014), improving the energy efficiency of the existing buildings and ensuring the high low-carbon standards for new buildings might lead to 21-33% cut in energy consumption by 2050. Deep energy renovation of existing buildings is considered the most important task for energy savings in the building sector since it is expected that the buildings that are in place today will still form 70% of the building stock in 2050.
Project objectives
- Enabling coordinated multi-stakeholder action with the use of the EconomisE platform in order to develop new projects and business ideas.
- Cooperation with the institutional investors to bring about a shift towards low-carbon investment, explicitly focused on decarbonisation of buildings and improved climate resilience.
- Empowering decision-makers and civil servants in the cities and the municipalities to make investment decisions concerning building stock that take into account best practices and life cycle assessment.
The LIFE EconomisE project will demonstrate how influencing financial flows for the decarbonisation of building stock can deliver significant contributions towards 2020 and 2030 Climate and Energy targets, with special emphasis placed on working within the Paris Agreement’s temperature goals of 1.5/2°C.